
Monday, October 30, 2017

Apple Cinnamon French Toast

     Well, I'm not sure about the rest of the United States, but it feels like winter has hit Arkansas hard over the weekend.  I don't particularly love winter (I personally enjoy being able to wear shorts and tank tops and not needing a dozen layers to walk out the door), but I do love baking and making warm breakfasts during the colder weather.  I decided to experiment with making French toast yesterday morning but with a little variation.  Unpopular opinion, but I think pumpkin spice is overrated; I just simply do not get what is so great about pumpkin spice.  So when I was scrolling through Pinterest the other day and came across pumpkin spice French toast, I decided to make my a fall variation French toast that I think deserves more love, apple cinnamon.  (But for cinnamon will always be superior to pumpkin spice in my world.)  So let's get to the recipe...

To start out, I cut a few slices of French bread and peeled and chopped 3 yellow delicious apples.  You could use any type of apple you would like, I just prefer yellow delicious apples.

I put a tablespoon of butter in 2 different skillets and made an egg mixture for the toast and the spice mixture for the apples.  The egg mixture consisted of: 2 C milk, 2 eggs, 2 tbsp brown sugar, 2 tsp cinnamon, and 1 tsp nutmeg.  The spice mixture consisted of: 1/4 C honey, 2 tsp cinnamon, 1 tsp vanilla, and 1/4 C water.  Very simple to mix and take no time at all.

For the fried apples, I put the apples in the warm skillet (kept on medium heat) for about 4-5 minutes to start browning a little.  Once the apples started to brown, I poured the spice mixture over them, covered the pan, and let them continue to cook for 3-4
For the toast, be sure each piece of bread is completely coated with the egg mixture.  In the other skillet, also heated on medium heat, cook each piece of bread for 3-4 minutes on each side, until they are slightly toasted on the outside.
I then plated the toast, put some apples on each piece, and then poured the liquid from the apples over the pieces of toast.  If you let the apples cool for a few minutes, the liquid will thicken up in to an almost caramel consistency, and it is absolutely wonderful.  These were sweet enough to not need any extra syrup or sugar on top.

I did not calculate the macros for this breakfast, because I did not want to take the time to do it.  Yesterday was a wonderfully relaxed morning for Jason and I, and I just wanted to enjoy making breakfast for the both of us and not be concerned with doing a bunch of math and exact measurements.  Some days are like that; being in the moment and enjoying yourself are sometimes more important than knowing the exact calorie breakdown of what you're eating.  The mental release from cooking for the pure pleasure of cooking is just what you need some days.